The 12 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Driving Test

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At Hi-Tech Driver Education, we try to explain everything in the simplest way possible in our training. But when it comes to the driving test, it can be scary or complicated at times. If you’re going to take your driving test in Ontario, after studying with us and reading our blog posts, you’ll be sure there’s nothing to be afraid of. We’ve put together the 12 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Driving Test in this blog post. After this article, nothing can prevent you from getting your driver’s license. Let’s move on to our writing.

1. Could it be possible not to check your mirrors regularly?

It can’t be for us. We hope it shouldn’t be in you. We know it can be hard to take your eyes off the road, but your side and rearview mirrors are there to help you drive safer. Please, they are not a mirror to reapply your makeup, at least while you are driving.

You and your driving test need to check your mirrors regularly.

2. What were we doing before we made the turn? We didn’t forget the turn signals.

We are aware, do not worry. You may forget because of stress, but the signal will become a habit for you, so we don’t think you should worry too much about it. But it’s good to be cautious in your driving test.

Remember, the signal is included in most of your driving tests.

3. It says stop; it doesn’t say make rolling stops

Always make sure you stop exactly behind the boundary line at stop signs and red lights. Pretending to stop will not save you more than a few seconds, and this mistake you make in the driving test may cause you to lose your driver’s license. Also, remember to stop completely when making a right turn at an intersection.

Stop means to stop.

4. How quickly did you forget that you were a pedestrian before you got your license?

Pedestrians always have the right of way. Pedestrians are king in traffic, just as the lion is king in forests. We don’t think we should say beware of pedestrian crossings because you always pay attention. Especially when turning, wait for pedestrians; otherwise, it will turn into a mistake that prevents you from the driving test.

5. Note that confusion is very usual at four-way stops.

When you come to the four-way stops, you may want to pass your driving test immediately and end the test. You should not forget that the driver who comes first to the intersection has the right of first way. If you get there simultaneously as another driver, who’s on the right goes first.

Don’t get confused; just do what you always do and don’t lose control.

6. Let’s not tell you how to change lanes after the training

Changing lanes incorrectly or making mistakes while changing lanes in driving tests can have serious consequences. If your instructor asks you to change lanes, remember to:

The first thing you should do is look
Turn on your signal
Check all your mirrors
Don’t forget your blind spot
If everything is ok, you can now change lanes.

It is impossible to be an expert in changing lanes from birth; it happens after practice and Hi-Tech Driver Education training.

7. We never thought we would tell you this, but driving too slow is a problem.

I understand your concerns about acceleration, but sometimes you get so preoccupied with it that you end up going much slower than you should. We never tell you to go fast, speed, but driving slowly can be just as dangerous as speeding. It is dangerous in terms of safety and may cause you to fail the driving test.

Know, see, read, enforce speed limits.

8. Be careful not to brake too hard.

Hard braking should only be used in emergency situations. Apart from that, your braking should be gradual and gentle. Be aware that you need some time to stop and brake accordingly. Otherwise, it may harm you in the driving test.

9. It is a problem in every way that you are not aware of the changes in the speed limit.

No matter when or where you are, you always need to know the speed. Pay particular attention to the following areas where speed limits are likely to vary:

  • School districts
  • Residential streets
  • Highways
  • Sonstruction zones

Saying I didn’t know, I didn’t see may not affect your instructor.

10. Use your other hand to hold the steering wheel, not push it out the window.

It really doesn’t matter if you can drive with just the tip of your knee, with one hand, or with your fingertips; Always keep both hands on the wheel during your driving test and make sure that the wheel does not slip.

11. Don’t even think about bringing a faulty vehicle to the steering test.

While you have done everything right and ideally, do not let your vehicle be the reason for your failure. Ensure your vehicle complies with all safety laws, including a cleaned, unbroken windshield, working seat belts and lights.

12. Let you take the wheel on the driving test, not your nerves.

We know that you are in a stressful situation, but you have already successfully completed all the necessary training. Take a deep breath and remember that you are in control. Maybe you can look at the testimonies of our other students to believe that you had a good education before you took the exam.

We believe in you.

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