Passing Rates of Drive Tests in Toronto: Drivers without MTO Approved Training vs. Drivers with MTO Approved Training

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The following graph exhibits the passing rates of drivers who have had MTO-approved Training versus those who do not have MTO Approved Training. The statistics for both the Ontario G2 and G tests are applied.

The legend shows that the Blue Columns represent without MTO Approved Training.

Red Columns being with MTO Approved Training.

Source i.e. Toronto Downsview rates

Using the following formula, to calculate the Median for drivers without MTO training at 48% for G2 tests, and 55% for G tests.

Using N as the total number for G2 Drivers without MTO training, and G Drivers without MTO Training.

When the variance of the median is calculated, it is multiplied by 2 rather than divided for the Mode of Drivers who would have a MTO Approved Training.

For G2 Tests; Mode = 71% as shown in graph above.

For G Tests; Mode = 82% as shown in graph above.

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